Ripristino di ecosistemi acquatici nelle aree protette di Alpi e Pirenei

Welcome back to the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR newsletter!

We are excited to present our project’s latest newsletter, shining a spotlight on the incredible achievements we’ve recently accomplished. Over the past months, we’ve been immersed in scientific endeavors, conservation actions and outreach initiatives, all in pursuit of our primary objective: restoring and preserving high-mountain aquatic ecosystems.

Our summer field campaign has been pivotal, involving meticulous monitoring of high mountain lakes and the study of valuable mires ecosystems. We’ve made significant strides in eradicating invasive fish and successfully carried out the initial restoration initiatives in mires. This hands-on work is providing us with invaluable data, empowering us to make wellinformed decisions to restore and conserve these fragile environments.

The LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project aims to restore and improve the conservation of high mountain aquatic habitats, focusing mainly on ponds, alpine and subalpine meadows, peat bogs and carbonated springs. The project is a continuation of two previous LIFE projects, the LIFE LIMNOPIRINEUS in the Pyrenees and the LIFE BIOAQUAE in the Alps.

If you are interested in receiving more information about the project you can subscribe to the newsletter here,

Here you can download the newsletter in pdf format.