Ripristino di ecosistemi acquatici nelle aree protette di Alpi e Pirenei

Networking week with the Croatian team of the LIFE Dinara Back to life project

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From 24 to 28 October the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR team has hosted a delegation of researchers and environmental and natural protected areas managers of Croatia, members of the LIFE DINARA BACK TO LIFE and STILL WATER REVIVAL projects.

The aim of this networking week is for the Croatian team to learn about the management and research in the field of conservation and restoration of mires, grasslands and lakes; and to exchange experiences between the two LIFE projects, which share similar objectives.

The first day of the study tour was dedicated to the presentations of the involved projects: LIFE RESQUE ALPYR by Marc Ventura, LIFE DINARA BACK TO LIFE by Tomislav Hudina and STILL WATER REVIVAL by Luka Škunca. This session took place at the University of Barcelona.

During the following days, the networking activities moved to the Pyrenees to allow the visitors to see in situ some of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR actions sites were restoration actions are planned, like the livestock management and assisted plant migration at Comes de Rubió, forest clearcutting for mire restoring at Prat Muntaner, recovery of traditional hay mowing at Planes de Son and invasive fish eradication at Muntanyó d’Àrreu Lake.

From the LIFE RESCUE ALPYR project we would like to thank the participation of all the institutions and people who have made this networking week possible.