Within the framework of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project, coordinated by the Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), different types of actions are carried out to restore peat bog ecosystems in protected areas of the Pyrenees and the Alps. In Alpine-type mountains, because the physiography is very complex and abrupt, these semi-aquatic ecosystems occupy…
The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event that aims to displays the diversity of science, and its benefits, to citizens. In particular, several public and private research institutes and organizations were present in the city of Aosta (Italy) included a stand of the Mont Avic Natural Park, one of the protected areas were…
The summer months are always important for the entire team involved in the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project, as they mark the beginning of fieldwork. Despite being intense weeks, it’s one of the moments when the whole team enjoys their work the most. The summer field campaign includes monitoring tasks in both high mountain lakes and…
Between July 4th and 7th, 2023, a field trip to the action sites of the Mont Avic Natural Park took place, involving personnel from other Alpine protected areas. The trip gathered experts from different protected alpine regions to explore the action sites within the Mont Avic Natural Park. During these four days, the experts came…
En el marco del Curso de Evolución del Paisaje que organiza el Refugio del Gerdar, el Grupo de investigación en áreas de montaña y paisaje (GRAMP) y el Grupo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña, y que tuvo lugar los pasados 30 de junio y 1 y 2 de julio, Marc Garriga, director del Parc Natural…
We have participated in the LIFE “Action on European Peatlands – towards restoring peatlands and realizing their multiple benefits across Europe”, that took place in Berlin between April 26th to 28th 2023 The researchers of the University of Barcelona Aaron Pérez and Eulàlia Pladevall presented, respectively, the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project and the LIMNOPIRINEUS project,…
The LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project and also, the previous LIFE LimnoPirineus project, that we lead from the Centre for Advanced Studies in Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), is part of the video report “Abordando la restauración de los lagos de montaña en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici” (Tackling restoration in high mountain lakes…
El proyecto Patrimonio Natural del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha contado con el proyecto LIFE RESQUE ALPYR para formar parte de un vídeo inspirado en las monitorizaciones a largo plazo (LTER) de los Parques Nacionales de Montaña. La monitorización del patrimonio natural a largo plazo, tanto biótico (microorganismos, animales, plantas, hábitats…) como abiótico…
The LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project aims to restore and improve the conservation of high mountain aquatic habitats, focusing mainly on ponds, alpine and subalpine meadows, peat bogs and carbonated springs. The project is a continuation of two previous LIFE projects, the LIFE LIMNOPIRINEUS in the Pyrenees and the LIFE BIOAQUAE in the Alps. Among the…
Last November 30, 2022 we participated in the LIFE Multi Peat Monitoring and policy workshop organized by the LIFE Multi Peat project team. The aim of the workshop was twofold. In the first part, an open webinar took place to connect the LIFE Multi Peat project to different EU-funded restoration projects and to discuss successful ways of…