III Research Conference of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park

The Alt Pirineu Natural Park is hosting the III Research Conference to promote research and improve territorial management. The conference will take place at the MónNatura Pirineus facilities in Planes de Son (Pallars Sobirà) from September 4th to 6th, serving as a key meeting point for scientists, managers, and local entities.

The conference will feature over 60 speakers, including a significant representation of scientists from the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project, coordinated by the Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC).

Photographs of the field work in the high mountain lakes.

This event brings together scientists, managers, and local entities with the goal of disseminating the scientific knowledge gained from the research conducted in the area, while also providing insights into how this knowledge can be applied to the management of natural spaces.

It will be a space to foster collaboration among different sectors to conserve the Pyrenean ecosystems.

The project’s researchers will give three presentations related to the project’s results (and the results of preceding projects).

The three presentations will take place on September 4th, starting at 3:00 PM in the multipurpose room of MónNatura. These will be part of the session dedicated to ponds, moderated by Núria Catalán, another researcher from CEAB-CSIC. The first presentation, by Danilo Buñay, will discuss primary production as the main determinant of transparency in ponds. Next, Marc Ventura, coordinator of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project, will talk about littoral crustaceans in ponds and their relationship with fish presence. Finally, Víctor Osorio will present on the recovery of macroinvertebrates after the eradication of invasive fish species.

The other two presentations will take place on September 5th from 5:00 PM in the session dedicated to rivers and wetlands, moderated by the researcher of the project and of the University of Barcelona, ​​Josep M. Ninot. The first presentation will be that of Eulàlia Pladevall, on the vegetation of the wetlands after five years of livestock exclusion. Then, Josep M. Ninot, will talk about the distribution of organic carbon in the soil in four Pyrenean wetlands.

Closed livestock exclusion in Planell de Sartari.

The conference program includes a total of 76 participations (66 presentations, 10 in poster format) spread across 10 thematic sessions: landscape evolution, archaeology, geology, cultural heritage, ponds, monitoring networks/snow science, socio-ecological systems, animal ecology and biodiversity, forest ecology and biodiversity, and rivers and peatlands. There will also be a poster session covering various topics.

More information about the III Research Conference of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park can be found at this link.