• First International Meeting on the Biodiversity of the Pyrenean Lakes

    First International Meeting on the Biodiversity of the Pyrenean Lakes

    During May 13 and 14, 2024, the First International Meeting on the Biodiversity of the Pyrenean Lakes took place in Loudenvielle, Hautes-Pyrénées. The meeting was organized by the CBN of the Pyrenees and Midi-Pyrénées as the secretary of the scientific interest group (GIS) “Lacs des Pyrénées” and brought together researchers, managing entities, and decision-makers committed…

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  • Lucia Bello won the poster competition at the PhD Day event of the University of Calabria!

    Lucia Bello won the poster competition at the PhD Day event of the University of Calabria!

    On April 10th, our collaborator, Lucia Bello, won the poster competition during the event “PhD@Unical: a future to research 4“, the second edition of the PhD day at the University of Calabria. Lucia presented the effects of introduced fish on insectivore shrews, one of the topics of her PhD project titled “Cascading ecological effects of…

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  • Mires restoration in protected areas of the Pyrenees and the Alps

    Mires restoration in protected areas of the Pyrenees and the Alps

    Within the framework of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project, coordinated by the Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), different types of actions are carried out to restore mires ecosystems in protected areas of the Pyrenees and the Alps. In Alpine-type mountains, because the physiography is very complex and abrupt, these semi-aquatic ecosystems occupy very…

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  • Field trip to the action sites of the Mont Avic Natural Park

    Field trip to the action sites of the Mont Avic Natural Park

    Between July 4th and 7th, 2023, a field trip to the action sites of the Mont Avic Natural Park took place, involving personnel from other Alpine protected areas. The trip gathered experts from different protected alpine regions to explore the action sites within the Mont Avic Natural Park. During these four days, the experts came…

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  • LIFE Multi Peat Monitoring and policy workshop

    LIFE Multi Peat Monitoring and policy workshop

    Last November 30, 2022 we participated in the LIFE Multi Peat Monitoring and policy workshop organized by the LIFE Multi Peat project team. The aim of the workshop was twofold. In the first part, an open webinar took place to connect the LIFE Multi Peat project to different EU-funded restoration projects and to discuss successful ways of…

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  • Networking week with the Croatian team of the LIFE Dinara Back to life project

    Networking week with the Croatian team of the LIFE Dinara Back to life project

    From 24 to 28 October the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR team has hosted a delegation of researchers and environmental and natural protected areas managers of Croatia, members of the LIFE DINARA BACK TO LIFE and STILL WATER REVIVAL projects. The aim of this networking week is for the Croatian team to learn about the management and…

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  • Networking days in austria with the FishME project

    Networking days in austria with the FishME project

    Between the 23rd and 31st August 2022, Rocco Tiberti from the University of Pavia and technical coordinator of the project LIFE RESQUE ALPYR and Lucia Bello (MSc student, University of Pavia), joined the field crew engaged in the research activities of the FishME project. The main objective of the networking activities was to harmonize the…

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  • Iberdrola cede el uso del refugio del Valle de Peguera a las brigadas de pesca

    Iberdrola cede el uso del refugio del Valle de Peguera a las brigadas de pesca

    Los lagos Coveta y Llastra, situados en el Valle de Peguera, en el Parque Nacional Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, son dos de los lagos objetivo del proyecto donde se llevarán a cabo tareas de eliminación de especies de peces invasores. Este año, se ha llegado a un acuerdo con la empresa Iberdrola para…

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  • El Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, al programa televisiu “De parque en parque”

    El Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, al programa televisiu “De parque en parque”

    El programa “De parque en parque” és una sèrie documental de 16 capítols dedicada als 16 Parcs Nacionals espanyols, produïda per RTVE. El passat 4 de juny, es va estrenar el capítol dedicat al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, en el qual intervenen diversos membres de l’equip de treball del projecte LIFE…

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  • LIFE RESQUE ALPYR, a new European project to restore and preserve the aquatic ecosystems of the Pyrenees and the Alps

    LIFE RESQUE ALPYR, a new European project to restore and preserve the aquatic ecosystems of the Pyrenees and the Alps

    Last Saturday, May 28, the presentation of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project took place at the Ecomuseum of the Valls d’Àneu (Esterri d’Àneu). The event was attended by Pere Ticó, Mayor of Esterri d’Àneu; Salvador Tomàs, Mayor of Lladorre; Marc Vilahur, General Director of Environmental Policy and Natural Environment; Josep Queró, President of the Alt…

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