Lucia Bello won the poster competition at the PhD Day event of the University of Calabria!

On April 10th, our collaborator, Lucia Bello, won the poster competition during the event “PhD@Unical: a future to research 4“, the second edition of the PhD day at the University of Calabria.

Lucia presented the effects of introduced fish on insectivore shrews, one of the topics of her PhD project titled “Cascading ecological effects of alien fish introduction and removal in high mountain lakes” (financed by the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR).

PhD Day at the University of Calabria

PhD Day at the University of Calabria was a day entirely dedicated to the University’s doctoral students who presented the research activities carried out, with the aim of raising awareness of the scientific value of the doctoral path and making people reflect on the benefits generated in society.

At the end of the day, the PhD Competition, an exciting “competition” divided into two sections: the Poster Competition in which the competitors illustrated the posters created specifically for their research topic, and the Pitch Competition, a presentation of a few minutes focused on the studies conducted. Rita Megale, a PhD student in Physical, Chemical, and Materials Sciences and Technologies, won the Pitch Competition. The Poster Competition for the Technical-Scientific Area was won by Lucia Bello, a PhD student in Life Science and Technology, while for the Socio-Economic and Humanistic Area, Aurelia Zucaro, a PhD student in Politics, Culture, and Development, was awarded.

The morning was opened by greetings from the Rector Nicola Leone, who underlined the increasingly important importance that research doctorates will assume in the training of the future ruling class.

You can find the prize-giving session of the day here.