• We participated in the XXXVII Field Days of Physical Geography

    We participated in the XXXVII Field Days of Physical Geography

    Between June 25th and 29th, 2024, the XXXVII Field Days of Physical Geography were held in the Pyrenees of Lleida, organized by the Research Group in Mountain Areas and Landscape (GRAMP) of the Department of Geography and the Botany Unit of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in collaboration with the Alt Pirineu Natural Park. Under…

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  • Lucia Bello won the poster competition at the PhD Day event of the University of Calabria!

    Lucia Bello won the poster competition at the PhD Day event of the University of Calabria!

    On April 10th, our collaborator, Lucia Bello, won the poster competition during the event “PhD@Unical: a future to research 4“, the second edition of the PhD day at the University of Calabria. Lucia presented the effects of introduced fish on insectivore shrews, one of the topics of her PhD project titled “Cascading ecological effects of…

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  • Wetlands Seminar at #CafèPrismàtic

    Wetlands Seminar at #CafèPrismàtic

    Aaron Pérez and Eulàlia Pladevall, representatives from the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) and the Life RESQUE ALPYR project, took center stage in this week’s Cafè Prismàtic. Cafè Prismàtic serves as a virtual seminar platform where discussions, learning, and debates unfold on current topics concerning the management and planning of Catalonia’s natural heritage and biodiversity. While…

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  • We participate in Science Week 2023

    We participate in Science Week 2023

    Science Week is an annual event that takes place in November throughout Europe. It is an initiative with the main objective of bringing science and technology closer to the public and fostering scientific vocations among the younger generation. Its main feature is that institutions and research centers open their doors for one weeks so that…

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  • The LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project was present at the 2023 European Researchers Night in italy

    The LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project was present at the 2023 European Researchers Night in italy

    The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event that aims to displays the diversity of science, and its benefits, to citizens. In particular, several public and private research institutes and organizations were present in the city of Aosta (Italy) included a stand of the Mont Avic Natural Park, one of the protected areas were…

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  • Presentem les accions de restauració del projecte als participants del Curs d’Evolució del Paisatge

    Presentem les accions de restauració del projecte als participants del Curs d’Evolució del Paisatge

    En el marc del Curs d’Evolució del Paisatge que organitza el Refugi del Gerdar, el Grup d’investigació en àrees de muntanya i paisatge (GRAMP) i el Grup d’Arqueologia d’Alta muntanya i que ha tingut lloc els passats 30 de juny i, 1 i 2 de juliol, el Marc Garriga, director del Parc Natural de l’Alt…

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  • Angling day in Lake Miserino

    Angling day in Lake Miserino

    Yesterday we were at Lake Miserino in Gran Paradiso National Park participating in the first Angling Day of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project, one of the public awareness activities included in the project. The person in charge was Rocco Tiberti, member of the project team from the University of Pavia. Introduced fish represent the most…

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  • New video out! “State of Nature 2020: invasive species in freshwater ecosystems”

    New video out! “State of Nature 2020: invasive species in freshwater ecosystems”

    Freshwater ecosystems in Catalonia are highly threatened and have undergone during the last decades one of the largest biodiversity losses, in both species and habitats. The introduction of invasive fish species for recreational fishing and the release of pets and ornamental plants have led to a decrease of 92% of the native fish populations. The…

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  • El Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, al programa televisiu “De parque en parque”

    El Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, al programa televisiu “De parque en parque”

    El programa “De parque en parque” és una sèrie documental de 16 capítols dedicada als 16 Parcs Nacionals espanyols, produïda per RTVE. El passat 4 de juny, es va estrenar el capítol dedicat al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, en el qual intervenen diversos membres de l’equip de treball del projecte LIFE…

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