
The event explores how to tackle the challenges of implementing this law at the local level, adapting environmental policies and socio-economic needs. Conservation experts, such as Marc Ventura, have shared ongoing projects to restore Catalan ecosystems (min 51:50).
The renaturalization of mountain lakes is a viable option that brings significant benefits for biodiversity and allows for the conservation and recovery of the fauna and flora of the ecosystem. We discuss this with Dirk S. Schmeller.
We are speaking with Dirk S. Schmeller about fish eradication methodologies in high mountain lakes
The field campaigns of the project include the ecological monitoring of high mountain lakes. In this video we explain what they consist of and what measures we take.
High mountain lakes are unique spaces, where many highly threatened species live. Human activity is the main risk for these environments, which is why it is totally prohibited and penalized to bathe in them.
All the life forms typical of mountain lakes face great challenges. One of the main ones is the presence of foreign species, such as fish, that man introduced into these isolated environments, where they were not found naturally.
First audiovisual pill of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project. In this short video, we explain what this project for the restoration of high mountain ecosystems in the Pyrenees and the Alps consists of.
This second video presents the project, featuring stunning images of the Alps and the involvement of Rocco Tiberti, the project coordinator in Italy. In the Alps, we work in more than 10 high mountain lakes and various aquatic habitats within the Gran Paradiso National Park and Parco Mont Avic.
First audiovisual pill of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project. In this short video, we explain what this project for the restoration of high mountain ecosystems in the Pyrenees and the Alps consists of.
“Els aiguamolls d’alta muntanya, uns ambients singulars que cal gestionar” talk by Dr. Josep Mª Ninot, professor at the University of Barcelona and researcher of LIFE RESQUE ALPYR organized by Comú de Particulars de la Pobla de Segur.
The Life LimnoPirineus and Resque Alpyr projects promote the removal of fish from these lakes as an effective conservation action and a viable tool to restore the quality of these ecosystems and the communities that inhabit them (available with subtitles). A video from CENEAM – Ministerio de Transición Ecológica
Natural heritage through the CSIC long-term monitoring projects (LTER) in the Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monterperdido, in the Parc Nacional d’Agüestortes National and in the Parque Nacional de los Pico de Europa.
“Ecologia i conservació en estanys d’alta muntanya dels Pirineus” seminar by Dr. Marc Ventura organized by the IEA-UdG.
The Observatori del Patrimoni Natural (Natural Heritage Observatory) dedicates a video of the series State of Nature 2020 to the freshwater invasive species, with LIFE RESQUE ALPYR and LIFE LIMNOPIRINEUS as protagonists. Un video del CENEAM – Ministerio de Transición Ecológica
The program “From park to park” is a documentary series of 16 chapters dedicated to the 16 Spanish National Parks, produced by RTVE. The chapter is dedicated to the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, with the participation of various members of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project team.
Presentation of the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR at the Ecomuseum of the Valls d’Àneu (Esterri d’Àneu).
“Perchè eradicare i pesci alloctoni dai laghi
d’alta montagna” seminar by Dr. Rocco Tiberti (minute 2:32:00) within the framework of the conference “Arrestare le specie aliene e invasive per conservare la biodiversità” Federparchi.