The high mountain lakes are isolated from the rivers below by physical barriers that have prevented fish from colonising them naturally. However, we find fish in a substantial number of lakes as a result of a historical process of introduction. In addition to being introduced species, they are considered invasive species, as they have a…
A characteristic feature of high mountains, especially in areas composed of granite or slate, is the abundance and diversity of surface waters. This richness is a result of high precipitation, the low permeability of the rocks, and glacial terrain. As a result, there is an abundance of springs and other water sources, such as streams,…
One of the outreach tasks included in the project is to create a total of three informative brochures. This initial publication, edited in 6 languages, contains general information about the project. It details the target species and habitats, the conservation actions being undertaken, and explaining the main threats faced by high-mountain aquatic ecosystems and the…