The subalpine mires of the Pyrenees are wet ecosystems characterized by the accumulation of decomposing organic matter. Currently, around 27% of the mires in the Central Pyrenees host adult pines, compared to 11% in the mid-20th century. The invasion of trees and the densification of these populations endanger the health and functionality of these ecosystems.…
The summer months are always important for the entire team involved in the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR project, as they mark the beginning of fieldwork. Despite being intense weeks, it’s one of the moments when the whole team enjoys their work the most. The summer field campaign includes monitoring tasks in both high mountain lakes and…
Between July 4th and 7th, 2023, a field trip to the action sites of the Mont Avic Natural Park took place, involving personnel from other Alpine protected areas. The trip gathered experts from different protected alpine regions to explore the action sites within the Mont Avic Natural Park. During these four days, the experts came…
En el marc del Curs d’Evolució del Paisatge que organitza el Refugi del Gerdar, el Grup d’investigació en àrees de muntanya i paisatge (GRAMP) i el Grup d’Arqueologia d’Alta muntanya i que ha tingut lloc els passats 30 de juny i, 1 i 2 de juliol, el Marc Garriga, director del Parc Natural de l’Alt…
From 24 to 28 October the LIFE RESQUE ALPYR team has hosted a delegation of researchers and environmental and natural protected areas managers of Croatia, members of the LIFE DINARA BACK TO LIFE and STILL WATER REVIVAL projects. The aim of this networking week is for the Croatian team to learn about the management and…